Movies like War of the Worlds to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure, Sci-fi, Science Fiction & Thriller movie War of the Worlds with Dakota Fanning, Justin Chatwin, Miranda Otto & Tom Cruise & created by Steven Spielberg?

Movies like War of the Worlds with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of War of the Worlds?

As Earth is invaded by alien tripod fighting machines, one family fights for survival.

TAGLINE: "They're already here."

Its release date is Tuesday June 28, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Airplane, Alien Invasion, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Apocalypse, Daughter, Dystopia, Extraterrestrial Life, Family, Human Subjugation, New Jersey, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Survival & United States Marine Corps
Genre Action, Adventure, Sci-fi, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Steven Spielberg
Starring Dakota Fanning, Justin Chatwin, Miranda Otto & Tom Cruise
Place New York City
Location California, Connecticut & New York City
Written by David Koepp (screenplay), H.G. Wells (novel) & Josh Friedman (screenplay)
Cinematography Janusz Kamiński
Music John Williams
Runtime 116 min

Other Action movies by Steven Spielberg

Minority Report | Jun 20th, 2002

Minority Report
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Other Action movies written by David Koepp (screenplay)

Toy Soldiers | Apr 24th, 1991

Toy Soldiers
6.5/10 | By Daniel Petrie Jr.
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Carlito’s Way | Nov 10th, 1993

Carlito’s Way
7.9/10 | By Brian De Palma
The United States | Action, Crime & Drama
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