Movies like Wer to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Mystery & Thriller movie Wer with A.J. Cook, Sebastian Roché, Simon Quarterman & Vik Sahay & created by William Brent Bell?

Movies like Wer with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Wer?

A defense attorney begins to suspect that there might be more to her client, who is charged with the murders of a vacationing family, than meets the eye.

TAGLINE: "The legend reborn"

Its release date is Saturday November 16, 2013

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic France, Investigation, Lawyer, Medical Examination, Moon, Porphyria, Werewolf & Werewolves
Genre Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Country Romania
Director William Brent Bell
Starring A.J. Cook, Sebastian Roché, Simon Quarterman & Vik Sahay
Place Paris
Location Budapest
Written by Matthew Peterman (screenplay) & William Brent Bell (screenplay)
Runtime 89 min

Other Horror movies by William Brent Bell

The Boy | Jan 22nd, 2016

The Boy
7.8/10 | By Mark Herman & William Brent Bell
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The Devil Inside | Jan 6th, 2012

The Devil Inside
4.2/10 | By William Brent Bell
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Brahms: The Boy II | Feb 20th, 2020

Brahms: The Boy II
4.4/10 | By William Brent Bell
United States of America | Horror, Mystery & Thriller
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