Movies like What They Had to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie What They Had with Blythe Danner, Hilary Swank, Michael Shannon & Robert Forster & created by Elizabeth Chomko?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of What They Had?

Bridget returns home at her brother's urging to deal with her ailing mother and her father's reluctance to let go of their life together.

TAGLINE: "A family united by the past. Divided by the present."

Its release date is Friday October 19, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Alzheimer's disease, Blizzard, Mother Daughter Relationship, Snow & Woman Director
Genre Drama
Country United States of America
Director Elizabeth Chomko
Starring Blythe Danner, Hilary Swank, Michael Shannon & Robert Forster
Place Chicago
Location Chicago & Los Angeles
Written by Elizabeth Chomko
Cinematography Roberto Schaefer
Music Danny Mulhern
Runtime 101 min