Movies like Where The Seagulls Sleep to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama & Science Fiction movie Where The Seagulls Sleep with Lidia Veiga & Yago Durán?

Movies like Where The Seagulls Sleep with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Where The Seagulls Sleep?

In a near future affected by global warming, biologist Amelia arrives to a remote archipelago on a recon task. All alone, her only companion is the voice of Mission Control in her ear. All seems well, but as time passes, tensions rise and they start to argue.

TAGLINE: "Her eyes against their hunches"

Its release date is Friday February 7, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adventurer, Alcoholism, Cíes, Climate Change, Curses, Dystopia, Galicia, Global Warming, Mermaids & Spain
Genre Drama & Science Fiction
Country Spain
Starring Lidia Veiga & Yago Durán
Place New England
Time 19th Century
Location Nova Scotia