Movies like Wolf Town to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Horror & Thriller movie Wolf Town with Alicia Ziegler, Josh Kelly, Levi Fiehler & Max Adler & created by Rod Daniel & Roel Reiné?
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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Wolf Town?
Kyle, a shy college student finds himself and three of his friends trapped in an old western ghost town by a pack of ferocious wolves and has to overcome his personal fears to confront the wolves and lead his friends to safety.
Its release date is Friday July 9, 2010
Its release date is Friday July 9, 2010
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Werewolves |
Genre | Action, Horror & Thriller |
Country | The United States |
Director | Rod Daniel & Roel Reiné |
Starring | Alicia Ziegler, Josh Kelly, Levi Fiehler & Max Adler |
Written by | Asabi Lee (screenplay), Paul Hart-Wilden (screenplay) & Roel Reiné (story) |
Cinematography | David Daniel & Tim Suhrstedt |
Music | Miles Goodman |
Runtime | 90 min |