Movies like Wolves of Wall Street to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Wolves of Wall Street with Eric Roberts, Jeff Branson, Michael Bergin & William Gregory Lee & created by David DeCoteau?

Movies like Wolves of Wall Street with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Wolves of Wall Street?

Jeff Allen just got a new job in one of Manhattan's wealthiest brokerage firms, Wolfe Brothers. Here young, good-looking stockbrokers make a lot of money by being particularly cutthroat. ...

TAGLINE: "They Feed On Greed"

Its release date is Tuesday December 31, 2002

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic New York City, Sliver Pen, Stockbroker, Werewolf & Werewolves
Genre Horror
Country The United States
Director David DeCoteau
Starring Eric Roberts, Jeff Branson, Michael Bergin & William Gregory Lee
Written by Barry L. Levy
Music Harry Manfredini
Runtime 85 min

Other Horror movies by David DeCoteau

Creepozoids | Oct 2nd, 1987

3.6/10 | By David DeCoteau
The United States | Horror & Science Fiction
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Other Horror movies written by Barry L. Levy

The Brotherhood | Mar 15th, 2001

The Brotherhood
3.6/10 | By David DeCoteau
United States of America | Horror
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video