Shows like Based on a True Story to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama tv show Based on a True Story with Chris Messina, Kaley Cuoco, Liana Liberato & Tom Bateman & created by Craig Rosenberg?

TV Series like Based on a True Story with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Based on a True Story?

A realtor, a former tennis star, and a plumber seize a unique opportunity to capitalize on America's obsession with true crime.
Its air date is Thursday June 8, 2023

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic California, Comedy Thriller, Dark Comedy, Los Angeles, Podcast & True Crime
Genre Comedy & Drama
Creator Craig Rosenberg
Starring Chris Messina, Kaley Cuoco, Liana Liberato & Tom Bateman
First Air date 2023-06-08