Shows like Hidden Things to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Animation, Comedy & Drama tv show Hidden Things with Hiroshi Kamiya, Kiyono Yasuno, Rie Takahashi & Taku Yashiro?

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Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Hidden Things?

Gotou Kakushi is an artist who draws a somewhat vulgar manga, and tries to hide it for the sake of his daughter, Hime. A father-daughter tale of love and laughter.
Its air date is Thursday April 2, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Anime, Based On Manga, Hidden Truth, Mangaka, School, Shounen, Slice Of Life & Student
Genre Animation, Comedy & Drama
Starring Hiroshi Kamiya, Kiyono Yasuno, Rie Takahashi & Taku Yashiro
First Air date 2020-04-02
Place Wales
Runtime 24