Shows like Nurse Jackie to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Comedy & Drama tv show Nurse Jackie with Anna Deavere Smith, Edie Falco, Merritt Wever, Paul Schulze & Peter Facinelli & created by Linda Wallem & Liz Brixius?

TV Series like Nurse Jackie with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Nurse Jackie?

A drug-addicted nurse struggles to find a balance between the demands of her frenetic job at a New York City hospital and an array of personal dramas.
Its air date is Monday June 8, 2009

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Addiction, Doctors & Hospitals, Drug, Drug Addiction, Drugs, Hospital, Nurse & parent child relationship
Genre Comedy & Drama
Country The United States
Creator Linda Wallem & Liz Brixius
Starring Anna Deavere Smith, Edie Falco, Merritt Wever, Paul Schulze & Peter Facinelli
First Air date 2009-06-08
Place New York City
Location New York (state)
Runtime 30