Shows like Oasis to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Oasis with Anil Kapoor, Antje Traue, Haley Joel Osment & Richard Madden?

TV Series like Oasis with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Oasis?

Follows the sun-baked adventures of Oscar, a lizard in the middle of the desert finding himself misadventures wherever he goes, from finding water to fleeing from a band of misfits.
Its air date is Thursday March 16, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Climate Change, Desert Planets & Fantasy
Genre Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Country United Kingdom
Starring Anil Kapoor, Antje Traue, Haley Joel Osment & Richard Madden
First Air date 2017-03-16
Runtime 59