Shows like Stan Against Evil to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Comedy tv show Stan Against Evil with Deborah Baker Jr., Janet Varney, John C. McGinley & Nate Mooney & created by Dana Gould?

TV Series like Stan Against Evil with the highest similarity score

Similar TV Show Guide: can't get enough of Stan Against Evil?

An aging police sheriff begrudgingly joins an alliance with a new sheriff, Evie Barret, to battle angry demons haunting their small New Hampshire town.
Its air date is Monday October 31, 2016

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Topic Horror
Genre Comedy
Country UK & United Kingdom
Creator Dana Gould
Starring Deborah Baker Jr., Janet Varney, John C. McGinley & Nate Mooney
First Air date 2016-10-31
Place London
Music Nick Green Ben Bartlett
Runtime 30