Shows like The Fairly OddParents to stream online

What Similar TV Shows are streaming online like the Animation, Comedy & Kids tv show The Fairly OddParents with Daran Norris, Gary LeRoi Gray, Grey DeLisle & Jim Ward & created by Butch Hartman?

TV Series like The Fairly OddParents with the highest similarity score

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After being tortured and humiliated by his babysitter, a ten year old boy is put under the care of two fairy godparents, who can grant him almost any wish, which leads to dire consequences.
Its air date is Friday March 30, 2001

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Topic Fairies Sprites, Fairy, Friendship, Genies, Kids, Magic & Wish
Genre Animation, Comedy & Kids
Country The United States
Creator Butch Hartman
Starring Daran Norris, Gary LeRoi Gray, Grey DeLisle & Jim Ward
First Air date 2001-03-30
Place California
Music Guy Moon
Runtime 22