Watch Bukan Hanya Sekadar Cinta online

Can you stream the Drama tv show Bukan Hanya Sekadar Cinta on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Bukan Hanya Sekadar Cinta

After being abandoned by Ilan Rafzal, Kamelia returns to her hometown in Terengganu where she meets a mysterious man, Isa Rafael who appears to be deaf and mute. He listened to Kamelia's every complaint as they communicated through notes in a notebook. One day, Kamelia was called to KL due to an emergency where she was surprised when she was forced to marry Isa Rafael who was finally found not to be deaf or dumb!

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Its air date is Wednesday May 24, 2023

Production details

Cast Daniella Sya, Ismail Izzani, Sofia Dendroff & Syamim Farid
Genre Drama
First Air date 2023-05-24