Watch Finding Carter online

Can you stream the Drama tv show Finding Carter, created by Emily Silver & starring Alexis Denisof, Anna Jacoby-Heron, Cynthia Watros & Kathryn Prescott on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Finding Carter

A teenager finds out she was abducted as a toddler and returns to her biological family.

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Its air date is Tuesday July 8, 2014

Production details

Creator Emily Silver
Cast Alexis Denisof, Anna Jacoby-Heron, Cynthia Watros & Kathryn Prescott
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States
First Air date 2014-07-08
Theme Biological Parents, Dysfunctional Family, Family, Kidnapping, Kidnapping & Abduction & Disappearances, Teen Anger, Teen Drama & Teenagers
Place setting Virginia
Location Atlanta
Music Jakob Yoffee
Runtime 42
