Watch High Desert online

Can you stream the Comedy tv show High Desert, created by Katie Ford & Nancy Fichman & starring Brad Garrett, Matt Dillon, Patricia Arquette & Weruche Opia on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: High Desert

Peggy, a former addict, who decides to make a new start after the death of her beloved mother with whom she lived in the small desert town of Yucca Valley, California, makes a life-changing decision to become a private investigator.

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Its air date is Tuesday May 16, 2023

Production details

Creator Katie Ford & Nancy Fichman
Cast Brad Garrett, Matt Dillon, Patricia Arquette & Weruche Opia
Genre Comedy
First Air date 2023-05-16
Theme Death Of Mother, Desert Town & Private Investigator
Homepage High Desert Homepage
