Watch In the Flesh online

Can you stream the Drama tv show In the Flesh, created by Dominic Mitchell & starring Emily Bevan, Harriet Cains, Luke Newberry, Marie Critchley & Steve Cooper on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: In the Flesh

Four years after the Rising, the government starts to rehabilitate the Undead for reentry into society, including teenager Kieren Walker, who returns to his small Lancashire village to face a hostile reception, as well as his own demons.

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Its air date is Sunday March 17, 2013

Production details

Creator Dominic Mitchell
Cast Emily Bevan, Harriet Cains, Luke Newberry, Marie Critchley & Steve Cooper
Genre Drama
Country of origin United Kingdom
First Air date 2013-03-17
Theme Discrimination, Gay Man, LGBT, Suicide, Supernatural, Young Adult, Zombie, Zombie Apocalypse & Zombies
Place setting Lancashire
Runtime 53
Homepage In the Flesh Homepage
