Watch Lenox Hill online

Can you stream the Documentary tv show Lenox Hill, created by Adi Barash & Ruthie Shatz & starring Amanda Little Richardson, David Langer, John Boockvar & Mirtha Macri on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Lenox Hill

An intimate look at the lives of four doctors - two brain surgeons, an emergency room physician, and a Chief Resident OBGYN - as they navigate the highs and lows of working at the renowned Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

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Its air date is Wednesday June 10, 2020

Production details

Creator Adi Barash & Ruthie Shatz
Cast Amanda Little Richardson, David Langer, John Boockvar & Mirtha Macri
Genre Documentary
First Air date 2020-06-10
Theme Doctor, Hospital & New York City
Homepage Lenox Hill Homepage
