Watch Myself Allen Swapan online

Can you stream the Crime tv show Myself Allen Swapan, created by Shihab Shaheen & starring Abdullah Al Sentu, Nasir Uddin Khan, Rafiath Rashid Mithila & Sumon Anwar on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Myself Allen Swapan

Year 2018, Cox's Bazar. Government's anti-narcotic raid is underway with great intensity. News spreads that the infamous drug dealer, Allen Swapan, is killed in a crossfire. Meanwhile, someone resembling him, going by the name of Shamsur Rahman, appears in Dhaka city. Who is this Shamsur Rahman?

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Its air date is Friday April 21, 2023

Production details

Creator Shihab Shaheen
Cast Abdullah Al Sentu, Nasir Uddin Khan, Rafiath Rashid Mithila & Sumon Anwar
Genre Crime
First Air date 2023-04-21
Homepage Myself Allen Swapan Homepage
