Watch Welcome to Milele online

Can you stream the Drama tv show Welcome to Milele on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Welcome to Milele

In a twist of fate, Ma Jia, a doctor from the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiang University, joins the 25th batch of the China Medical Team, setting off on a journey to Sanah, Africa. Confronted with an entirely unfamiliar environment and significant cultural disparities between China and Africa, Ma Jia grapples with the choice between perseverance and surrender. However, with each hurdle he overcomes, he adjusts his perspective, gradually comprehending the duties and objectives of a Chinese medical aid worker. Over the course of two years in Africa, through physical and mental challenges, as well as emotional and spiritual introspection, Ma Jia and his colleagues stationed in "Milele Village" experience a whirlwind of joy, poignant moments, reunions, and partings. They navigate a complex array of emotions, leading to profound personal development.

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Its air date is Tuesday November 21, 2023

Production details

Cast Jin Dong, Kitty Zhang, Liu Guanlin & Zu Feng
Genre Drama
First Air date 2023-11-21
Homepage Welcome to Milele Homepage