Watch Decay online
Can you stream the Drama, Horror & Thriller movie Decay, directed by Joseph Wartnerchaney & Wartnerchaney & starring Elisha Yaffe, Jackie Hoffman, Lisa Howard & Rob Zabrecky on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Decay
Jonathan is a very lonely man. One day, he gets a visitor in his house: a young woman who, through a jarring turn of events, ends up dead. He does not report it because he is happy to have a friend, but now the body begins to decay.
TAGLINE: "All Jonathan wanted was somebody to love." All streaming services available
Its release date is Monday November 9, 2015
Production details
Director | Joseph Wartnerchaney & Wartnerchaney |
Cast | Elisha Yaffe, Jackie Hoffman, Lisa Howard & Rob Zabrecky |
Genre | Drama, Horror & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2015-11-09 |
Script | Joseph Wartnerchaney |
Cinematography | Chuck Fryberger |
Music | *Michael Shaieb *Brent Lord |
Runtime | 98 min |