Watch River’s Edge online
Can you stream the Crime & Drama movie River’s Edge, directed by Tim Hunter & starring Crispin Glover, Daniel Roebuck, Ione Skye & Keanu Reeves on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: River’s Edge
A high school slacker commits a shocking act and proceeds to let his friends in on the secret. However, the friends' reaction is almost as ambiguous and perplexing as the crime itself.
TAGLINE: "The most controversial film you will see this year." All streaming services available
Its release date is Wednesday August 27, 1986
Production details
Director | Tim Hunter |
Cast | Crispin Glover, Daniel Roebuck, Ione Skye & Keanu Reeves |
Genre | Crime & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1986-08-27 |
Theme | Friends, Murder, Police & Sex |
Place setting | California |
Location | Los Angeles |
Script | Neal Jimenez |
Cinematography | Frederick Elmes |
Music | Jürgen Knieper |
Costs | $19,000,000 |
Runtime | 99 min |