Watch Sacro GRA online

Can you stream the Documentary movie Sacro GRA, directed by Gianfranco Rosi & Gianfranco Rosi (director) & starring Amelia Regis, Franceso De Santis, Paolo Regis & Roberto Giuliani on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Sacro GRA

For nearly two years of exploring the "Great Ring Road's" almost 70km of looping highway, Gianfranco Rosi brings to the foreground the daily routine of ordinary people, composing the profile of a microcosm on the outskirts of Great Rome.

TAGLINE: "Tales from Rome's Ring Road"

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Its release date is Thursday September 19, 2013

Production details

Director Gianfranco Rosi & Gianfranco Rosi (director)
Cast Amelia Regis, Franceso De Santis, Paolo Regis & Roberto Giuliani
Genre Documentary
Country of origin Italy
Release date 2013-09-19
Theme Documentary Road Transport, Environment, Everyday Life & Society
Place setting Rome
Location Rome
Script Gianfranco Rosi & Niccolò Bassetti (story)
Cinematography Gianfranco Rosi
Runtime 95 min

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Italy | Documentary
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