Watch When We Were Kings online

Can you stream the Documentary movie When We Were Kings, directed by Leon Gast & starring Don King, George Foreman, James Brown & Muhammad Ali on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: When We Were Kings

A documentary of the 1974 heavyweight championship bout in Zaire, "The Rumble in the Jungle," between champion George Foreman and underdog challenger Muhammad Ali.

TAGLINE: "The untold story of the Rumble in the Jungle."

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Its release date is Friday October 25, 1996

Production details

Director Leon Gast
Cast Don King, George Foreman, James Brown & Muhammad Ali
Genre Documentary
Country of origin The United States
Release date 1996-10-25
Theme African-American, Boxer, Disrespect, Documentary Boxing, Documentary Democratic Republic Of Congo, History, Muhammad Ali, Sport, Underdog & Zaire
Script N/A
Cinematography Maryse Alberti
Box Office Revenue $2,666,118
Runtime 88 min

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