Movies like Against the Dark to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Horror & Thriller movie Against the Dark with Danny Midwinter, Jenna Harrison, Linden Ashby & Steven Seagal & created by Richard Crudo?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Against the Dark?

When most of the population of Earth is infected with a virus and transformed into flesh eaters and blood drinking creatures, a group of hunters led by Tao chases the vampire zombies to ...

TAGLINE: "He lives by the sword. They will die by it."

Its release date is Thursday January 1, 2009

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Topic Underground, Vampire & Zombie
Genre Action, Horror & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director Richard Crudo
Starring Danny Midwinter, Jenna Harrison, Linden Ashby & Steven Seagal
Written by Mathew Klickstein
Runtime 94 min