Movies like Baltimore Rising to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Baltimore Rising with Devin Allen, Elijah Cummings, Genard Shadow Barr & Kevin Davis & created by Sonja Sohn?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Baltimore Rising?

Baltimore Rising follows activists, police officers, community leaders and gang affiliates, who struggle to hold Baltimore together in the wake of Freddie Gray's death in police custody.

TAGLINE: "We are the power."

Its release date is Monday November 20, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Baltimore & Maryland
Genre Documentary
Country United States of America
Director Sonja Sohn
Starring Devin Allen, Elijah Cummings, Genard Shadow Barr & Kevin Davis
Written by N/A
Runtime 93 min

Other Documentary movies written by N/A

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