Movies like Blood Craft to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Blood Craft with Augie Duke, Dave Sheridan, Madeleine Wade & Michael Welch & created by James Cullen Bressack?

Movies like Blood Craft with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Blood Craft?

Two sisters who suffered abuse as children at the hands of their sadistic father decide, after his death, to use witchcraft to bring his spirit back to get revenge.

TAGLINE: "How far would you go for revenge?"

Its release date is Tuesday April 9, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Revenge & Witchcraft
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director James Cullen Bressack
Starring Augie Duke, Dave Sheridan, Madeleine Wade & Michael Welch
Written by James Cullen Bressack (screenplay), Madeleine Wade (screenplay) & Madeleine Wade (story)
Runtime 94 min

Other Horror movies by James Cullen Bressack

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