Movies like BloodRayne to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Fantasy movie BloodRayne with Ben Kingsley, Kristanna Loken, Michael Madsen & Michelle Rodriguez & created by Uwe Boll?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of BloodRayne?

In the 18th century, a vampire escapes from the freak show she once participated in and teams up with a group of vampire slayers to kill the man who raped her mother.

TAGLINE: "Revenge never tasted so sweet."

Its release date is Saturday October 22, 2005

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Video Game, Romania, Vampire, Vampire Hunter & Vampires
Genre Action, Adventure & Fantasy
Country The United States
Director Uwe Boll
Starring Ben Kingsley, Kristanna Loken, Michael Madsen & Michelle Rodriguez
Location Romania
Written by Guinevere Turner
Cinematography Mathias Neumann
Music Henning Lohner
Runtime 95 min

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