Movies like BloodRayne: The Third Reich to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure & Fantasy movie BloodRayne: The Third Reich with Clint Howard, Dušan Bućan, Michael Paré & Natassia Malthe & created by Uwe Boll?

Movies like BloodRayne: The Third Reich with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of BloodRayne: The Third Reich?

Rayne fights against the Nazis in Europe during World War II, encountering Ekart Brand, a Nazi leader whose target is to inject Adolf Hitler with Rayne's blood in an attempt to transform ...

TAGLINE: "Only the dead survive."

Its release date is Friday November 5, 2010

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Video Game, Beautiful Woman, Female Protagonist, Heroine, Nazi, Sequel, Sword Fight, Vampire & Vampires
Genre Action, Adventure & Fantasy
Country Canada
Director Uwe Boll
Starring Clint Howard, Dušan Bućan, Michael Paré & Natassia Malthe
Place Europe
Location Croatia
Written by Michael Nachoff
Runtime 79 min

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