Movies like Chasers to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Chasers with Crispin Glover, Erika Eleniak, Tom Berenger & William McNamara & created by Dennis Hopper?

Movies like Chasers with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Chasers?

A hapless Navy grunt is assigned SP duty. The catch: he must escort a beautiful female prisoner on her way to prison for going UA. She in turn will try anything to escape.

TAGLINE: "It was supposed to be a routine prisoner transfer. But this was no ordinary prisoner."

Its release date is Friday April 22, 1994

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Fight, Fireworks, Handcuffs, Military Humor, Navy, Prison, Sex, United States Navy, Volcano & Waitress
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country The United States
Director Dennis Hopper
Starring Crispin Glover, Erika Eleniak, Tom Berenger & William McNamara
Location North Carolina & South Carolina
Written by Dan Gilroy (screenplay), Joe Batteer (screenplay), Joe Batteer (story), John Rice (screenplay) & John Rice (story)
Cinematography Ueli Steiger
Music Pete Anderson
Runtime 102 min

Other Comedy movies written by Dan Gilroy (screenplay)

The Fall | Feb 10th, 2007

The Fall
7.5/10 | By Edward Zwick, Robert H. Gardner & Tarsem Singh
India & The United States | Adventure, Comedy, Drama & Fantasy
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