Movies like Death and the Maiden to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie Death and the Maiden with Ben Kingsley, Krystia Mova, Sigourney Weaver & Stuart Wilson & created by Roman Polanski?

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A political activist is convinced that her guest is a man who once tortured her for the government.

TAGLINE: "Prepare yourself for the moment of truth."

Its release date is Wednesday May 4, 1994

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Chile, Doctor, Humiliation, Latin American Military Dictatorships, Married Couple, Pinochet-regime, Revenge & Torture
Genre Drama, Mystery & Thriller
Country France & The United States
Director Roman Polanski
Starring Ben Kingsley, Krystia Mova, Sigourney Weaver & Stuart Wilson
Place South American Country
Location Chile
Written by Ariel Dorfman (play), Ariel Dorfman (screenplay) & Rafael Yglesias (screenplay)
Cinematography Tonino Delli Colli
Music Wojciech Kilar
Runtime 103 min

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Break Up the Dance
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Venus in Fur | May 28th, 2013

Venus in Fur
7.2/10 | By Roman Polanski
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Rosemary’s Baby | Jun 12th, 1968

Rosemary’s Baby
8.0/10 | By Roman Polanski
United States of America | Drama, Horror & Mystery
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