Movies like Encounter at Raven’s Gate to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Fantasy & Thriller movie Encounter at Raven’s Gate with Celine O'Leary, Ritchie Singer, Steven Vidler & Vincent Gil & created by Rolf de Heer?

Movies like Encounter at Raven’s Gate with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Encounter at Raven’s Gate?

Ex-con Eddie Cleary gets a job working on his older brother's isolated farm. It's not long before bizarre things start happening--dead birds falling out of the sky, family pets attacking ...

TAGLINE: "stranger...deadly companion"

Its release date is Thursday December 1, 1988

What similar themes are we looking for?

Genre Drama, Fantasy & Thriller
Country Australia
Director Rolf de Heer
Starring Celine O'Leary, Ritchie Singer, Steven Vidler & Vincent Gil
Place South Australia
Location Adelaide
Written by James M. Vernon (adapted from an original screenplay by), Marc Rosenberg (screenplay) & Rolf de Heer (screenplay)
Runtime 94 min

Other Drama movies by Rolf de Heer

The Tracker | Aug 8th, 2002

The Tracker
7.4/10 | By Rolf de Heer
Australia | Drama, History & Western
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Bad Boy Bubby | Sep 1st, 1993

Bad Boy Bubby
7.4/10 | By Rolf de Heer
Australia & Italy | Crime & Drama
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