Movies like Hard Contract to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Romance movie Hard Contract with Burgess Meredith, James Coburn, Lee Remick & Lilli Palmer & created by S. Lee Pogostin?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Hard Contract?

A cold hearted American hit man goes to Europe for 'one last score'. His encounter with a beautiful young woman casts self doubt on his lifeblood, and influences him to resist carrying out the contract
Its release date is Wednesday April 30, 1969

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Topic Central Intelligence Agency Fiction, Contract Killing, Europe, Hitman, Love & Morality
Genre Crime & Romance
Director S. Lee Pogostin
Starring Burgess Meredith, James Coburn, Lee Remick & Lilli Palmer
Written by S. Lee Pogostin
Cinematography Jack Hildyard
Music Alex North
Runtime 106 min