Movies like Hitman Agent 47 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Adventure, Crime & Thriller movie Hitman Agent 47 with Emilio Rivera, Hannah Ware, Rupert Friend & Zachary Quinto & created by Aleksander Bach?

Movies like Hitman Agent 47 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Hitman Agent 47?

An assassin teams up with a woman to help her find her father and uncover the mysteries of her ancestry.

TAGLINE: "Your Number is Up."

Its release date is Thursday August 20, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Assassin, Assassins & Hitmen, Based On Video Game, Contract Killing, Crime, Execution, Hitman, Intelligence, Killer, Secret Identity & Security Surveillance
Genre Action, Adventure, Crime & Thriller
Country Germany, Indonesia, The United States & United Kingdom
Director Aleksander Bach
Starring Emilio Rivera, Hannah Ware, Rupert Friend & Zachary Quinto
Place Berlin, Salzburg & Singapore
Time 2015
Location Berlin
Written by Michael Finch (screenplay), Morten Iversen (video game), Peter Gjellerup Koch (video game), Skip Woods (screenplay) & Skip Woods (story)
Cinematography Óttar Guðnason
Music Marco Beltrami
Runtime 96 min

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