Movies like Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Science Fiction & Thriller movie Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway with Agustín Mateo, Daniel Tadesse & Guillermo Llansó?

Movies like Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway?

CIA agents Palmer and Gagano are tasked with the perilous mission of destroying “The Soviet Union”! As they enter the system using a VR simulation, their mission quickly turns into a delirious trap far more complex than expected, as the fabric of reality starts unraveling around them. A cornucopia of stylistic influences, virtuosic cinematic techniques, and set design (ranging from stop-motion animation to stylized live-action), Llanso’s latest blends inter-dimensional intrigue, spy-fi, kung-fu, and Philip K. Dick-esque mind-melting weirdness to achieve truly unclassifiable results.
Its release date is Wednesday July 10, 2019

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Genre Comedy, Science Fiction & Thriller
Country Estonia
Starring Agustín Mateo, Daniel Tadesse & Guillermo Llansó