Movies like Knock Knock to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Horror & Thriller movie Knock Knock with Aaron Burns, Ana de Armas, Keanu Reeves & Lorenza Izzo & created by Eli Roth?

Movies like Knock Knock with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Knock Knock?

A devoted father helps two stranded young women who knock on his door, but his kind gesture turns into a dangerous seduction and a deadly game of cat and mouse.

TAGLINE: "One night can cost you everything."

Its release date is Friday June 26, 2015

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Adultery, Architect, Cake, Disc Jockey, Home Invasions, Infidelity, Intruders, Rain, Seduction, Sex & Torture
Genre Drama, Horror & Thriller
Country Chile & The United States
Director Eli Roth
Starring Aaron Burns, Ana de Armas, Keanu Reeves & Lorenza Izzo
Location Chile
Written by Anthony Overman (story), Eli Roth (screenplay), Guillermo Amoedo (screenplay), Michael Ronald Ross (story) & Nicolás López (screenplay)
Cinematography Antonio Quercia
Music Manuel Riveiro
Runtime 99 min

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