Movies like Love, Cheat & Steal to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Thriller movie Love, Cheat & Steal with Eric Roberts, John Lithgow, Mädchen Amick & Richard Edson & created by William Curran?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Love, Cheat & Steal?

Paul Harrington thinks he has the perfect wife, stunning, kind, and ambitious. Yet behind Lauren's pretty face (played by Madchen Amick) lies a wicked person who sent her former boyfriend ...

TAGLINE: "He promised to love, honor and protect. She promised to love, cheat and steal."

Its release date is Sunday December 5, 1993

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Ambition, Boyfriend, Escape, Jail, Revenge & Wife
Genre Thriller
Country The United States
Director William Curran
Starring Eric Roberts, John Lithgow, Mädchen Amick & Richard Edson
Written by William Curran
Runtime 96 min