Movies like Nameless Gangster to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Thriller movie Nameless Gangster with Choi Min-sik, Ha Jung-woo, Kwak Do-won & Ma Dong-seok & created by Jong-bin Yun?

Movies like Nameless Gangster with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Nameless Gangster?

On the verge of being fired, a corrupt customs official finds a haul of drugs and teams up with a vicious gangster to become the most powerful crime partnership in Busan.

TAGLINE: "War against Crime: Golden Age of the Bad Guys"

Its release date is Thursday February 2, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic 1980s, Bad Guy, Cop, Crime, Decomposition, Gangster, Organized Crime Korea, Police & South Korea
Genre Crime & Thriller
Country South Korea
Director Jong-bin Yun
Starring Choi Min-sik, Ha Jung-woo, Kwak Do-won & Ma Dong-seok
Place Busan
Time 1985, 1987, 1990 & 2012
Location Busan
Written by Jong-bin Yun
Cinematography Go Nak seon
Music Jo Yeong wook
Runtime 134 min