Movies like Red Team to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Thriller movie Red Team with Cathy Moriarty, Fred Ward, Patrick Muldoon & Tim Thomerson & created by Jeremy Haft?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Red Team?

Two FBI agents join a special team of operatives called Red Team that hunts serial killers. One of the suspects is soon found dead. The follow up investigation reveals that someone may be executing suspected serial killers.
Its release date is Saturday April 3, 1999

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Fbi, Nuclear War Weapons, Serial Killer & Terrorism
Genre Crime & Thriller
Director Jeremy Haft
Starring Cathy Moriarty, Fred Ward, Patrick Muldoon & Tim Thomerson
Place England, London & Moscow
Location Montreal & Paris
Written by Alex Metcalf
Runtime 90 min