Movies like Rendez-vous to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime & Thriller movie Rendez-vous with Antonio Alcantara, Helena Puig, Italo Maximiliano Concha Veloz & Markín López & created by Pablo Olmos Arrayales?

Movies like Rendez-vous with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Rendez-vous?

Shot in one single take with no cuts, Rendez-vous is an original Mexican thriller about a couple who meet online.
Its release date is Friday February 14, 2020

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Black And White
Genre Crime & Thriller
Country Mexico
Director Pablo Olmos Arrayales
Starring Antonio Alcantara, Helena Puig, Italo Maximiliano Concha Veloz & Markín López
Place Paris
Location Paris
Written by Pablo Olmos Arrayales
Runtime 102 min