Movies like Ride Scare to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie Ride Scare with Franco Allen, Inez Banks, Jacqui Cohen & Jonez Cain?
Movies like Ride Scare with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ride Scare?
Disturbed loner Tommy works as a ride share driver, cruising the streets, picking up strangers in the city. Except Tommy has a secret he keeps from his passengers: He's a murderous psychopath. When Tommy meets pretty office worker Jolene, he becomes obsessed with the idea of making her his next victim. Trapped in a vacant tech building, Jolene must run and fight to survive.
Its release date is Tuesday September 8, 2020
Its release date is Tuesday September 8, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Topic | Vampires |
Genre | Horror & Thriller |
Starring | Franco Allen, Inez Banks, Jacqui Cohen & Jonez Cain |
Place | Abandoned Houses & New York (state) |
Location | Connecticut |