Movies like So Young, So Bad to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama movie So Young, So Bad with Catherine McLeod, Cecil Clovelly, Grace Coppin & Paul Henreid & created by Bernard Vorhaus & Edgar G. Ulmer?

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A psychiatrist and nurse overthrow the abusive heads of a girls' reform school in order to teach the "unfortunate" young women that they have a chance at healthy lives.

TAGLINE: "What made them this way!"

Its release date is Saturday May 20, 1950

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Child abuse, Delinquency, Girls' Boarding School & Rebellion
Genre Drama
Country United States of America
Director Bernard Vorhaus & Edgar G. Ulmer
Starring Catherine McLeod, Cecil Clovelly, Grace Coppin & Paul Henreid
Written by Bernard Vorhaus (story and screenplay) & Jean Rouverol (story and screenplay)
Runtime 91 min

Other Drama movies by Bernard Vorhaus

Three Faces West | Jul 3rd, 1940

Three Faces West
6.3/10 | By Bernard Vorhaus
The United States | Action, Drama & Romance
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