Movies like Starcrash to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Fantasy & Science Fiction movie Starcrash with Caroline Munro, Christopher Plummer, David Hasselhoff & Marjoe Gortner & created by Luigi Cozzi?

Movies like Starcrash with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Starcrash?

An outlaw smuggler and her alien companion are recruited by the Emperor of the Galaxy to rescue his son and destroy a secret weapon by the evil Count Zarth Arn.

TAGLINE: "A galactic adventure beyond your wildest dreams!"

Its release date is Thursday December 21, 1978

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Beautiful Woman, Female Protagonist, Laser Gun, Sex, Space & Suspended Animation
Genre Fantasy & Science Fiction
Country Italy
Director Luigi Cozzi
Starring Caroline Munro, Christopher Plummer, David Hasselhoff & Marjoe Gortner
Location Rome
Written by Luigi Cozzi (screenplay), Nat Wachsberger (screenplay) & R.A. Dillon (additional dialogue)
Runtime 92 min

Other Fantasy movies by Luigi Cozzi

Hercules | Aug 12th, 1983

3.8/10 | By Brett Ratner & Luigi Cozzi
Italy & The United States | Action, Adventure, Fantasy & Sci-fi
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