Movies like The Devil Came on Horseback to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie The Devil Came on Horseback with Brian Steidle & created by Anne Sundberg & Ricki Stern?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Devil Came on Horseback?

A documentary that exposes the genocide raging in Darfur, Sudan as seen through the eyes of a former U.S. marine who returns home to make the story public.

TAGLINE: "A witness to evil. A force for peace. An unbelievable true story."

Its release date is Friday January 19, 2007

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic African Union, Darfur, Documentary War Darfur, Ethnic Cleansing, Ex-marine, Genocide, Killing, Sudan, United States Marine Corps & War crimes
Genre Documentary
Country The United States
Director Anne Sundberg & Ricki Stern
Starring Brian Steidle
Written by Anne Sundberg & Ricki Stern
Cinematography Anne Sundberg
Music John Zorn & Paul Brill
Runtime 85 min

Other Documentary movies by Anne Sundberg

Knuckleball! | Sep 18th, 2012

7.1/10 | By Anne Sundberg & Ricki Stern
United States of America | Documentary
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