Movies like The Fly to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Horror & Science Fiction movie The Fly with David Hedison, Herbert Marshall, Patricia Owens & Vincent Price & created by Kurt Neumann?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Fly?

A scientist has a horrific accident when he tries to use his newly invented teleportation device.

TAGLINE: "If she looked upon the horror her husband had become... she would scream for the rest of her life!"

Its release date is Wednesday July 16, 1958

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Experiment, Fly The Insect, Fly/human Hybrid, Hybrid, Insects, Inventor, Mariticide Fiction, Mutation, Shapeshifting & Teleportation
Genre Drama, Horror & Science Fiction
Country United States of America
Director Kurt Neumann
Starring David Hedison, Herbert Marshall, Patricia Owens & Vincent Price
Place Montreal & Quebec
Location Los Angeles
Written by George Langelaan (based on a story by) & James Clavell (screenplay)
Runtime 94 min