Movies like The Omen to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror & Thriller movie The Omen with Billie Whitelaw, David Warner, Gregory Peck & Lee Remick & created by Richard Donner?

Movies like The Omen with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Omen?

Mysterious deaths surround an American ambassador. Could the child that he is raising actually be the Antichrist? The Devil's own son?

TAGLINE: "It is the greatest mystery of all because no human being will ever solve it."

Its release date is Sunday June 6, 1976

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Ambassador, Animal Attack, Devil's Son, Monk, Nanny, Prophecy, Revelation & Rottweiler
Genre Horror & Thriller
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director Richard Donner
Starring Billie Whitelaw, David Warner, Gregory Peck & Lee Remick
Place Country Houses, D.C., Israel, London, Rome & Washington
Written by David Seltzer
Cinematography Gilbert Taylor
Music Jerry Goldsmith
Runtime 111 min

Other Horror movies written by David Seltzer

The Omen | Jun 6th, 2006

The Omen
5.5/10 | By John Moore
United States of America | Horror
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Prophecy | Jan 1st, 1979

5.5/10 | By John Frankenheimer
United States of America | Horror & Science Fiction
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