Movies like The Recruit to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Drama & Thriller movie The Recruit with Al Pacino, Bridget Moynahan, Colin Farrell & Gabriel Macht & created by Roger Donaldson?

Movies like The Recruit with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Recruit?

A brilliant young CIA trainee is asked by his mentor to help find a mole in the Agency.

TAGLINE: "Trust. Betrayal. Deception. In the C.I.A. nothing is what it seems."

Its release date is Friday January 31, 2003

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Agents, Betrayal, Central Intelligence Agency, Extramarital Affair, Mystery, Spy & The CIA
Genre Action, Drama & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Roger Donaldson
Starring Al Pacino, Bridget Moynahan, Colin Farrell & Gabriel Macht
Location Toronto & Virginia
Written by Kurt Wimmer, Mitch Glazer & Roger Towne
Cinematography Stuart Dryburgh
Music Klaus Badelt
Runtime 115 min

Other Action movies by Roger Donaldson

Species | Jul 7th, 1995

5.8/10 | By Roger Donaldson
The United States | Action, Horror & Science Fiction
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The Bounty | May 4th, 1984

The Bounty
7.0/10 | By Roger Donaldson
United States of America | Action, Drama & History
Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu YouTube iTunes

The Getaway | Feb 11th, 1994

The Getaway
5.7/10 | By Courtney Solomon & Roger Donaldson
Japan & The United States | Action, Drama & Thriller
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Starz

Other Action movies written by Kurt Wimmer

The Misfits | Jun 10th, 2021

The Misfits
4.2/10 | By Renny Harlin
United States of America | Action, Comedy & Crime
Amazon Video Google Play Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Starz

Equilibrium | Dec 6th, 2002

7.5/10 | By Kurt Wimmer
The United States | Action, Drama, Sci-fi, Science Fiction & Thriller
Netflix Amazon Video Hulu Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes Fandango Playstation Showtime Tubi TV Starz

Salt | Jul 21st, 2010

6.4/10 | By Phillip Noyce
The United States | Action, Mystery & Thriller
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