Movies like The Take Down to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action movie The Take Down with Aiden Brady, Jean-Paul Ly, Katrina Durden & Sean Lerwill & created by David Newton?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Take Down?

When Jack, a hit man from London, gets given his life back and the opportunity to save his daughter, it becomes a race against time to kill or be killed.

TAGLINE: "It's a fight for redemption"

Its release date is Thursday July 25, 2019

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Agent, Amber, Assassin, Gun, Hitman, London, Revenge & Thrill Ride
Genre Action
Country United Kingdom
Director David Newton
Starring Aiden Brady, Jean-Paul Ly, Katrina Durden & Sean Lerwill
Time 2019
Written by David Newton
Runtime 99 min