Movies like The Weekend Away to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Mystery & Thriller movie The Weekend Away with Christina Wolfe, Leighton Meester, Luke Norris & Ziad Bakri & created by Kim Farrant?

Movies like The Weekend Away with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of The Weekend Away?

A weekend getaway to Croatia that goes awry when a woman is accused of killing her best friend. As she attempts to clear her name and uncover the truth, her efforts unearth a painful secret.

TAGLINE: "Miles away from home where do you turn? Who can you trust?"

Its release date is Thursday March 3, 2022

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Based On Novel Or Book & Croatia
Genre Mystery & Thriller
Director Kim Farrant
Starring Christina Wolfe, Leighton Meester, Luke Norris & Ziad Bakri
Written by Sarah Alderson
Runtime 89 min