Movies like Throwback Holiday to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy, Drama & Science Fiction movie Throwback Holiday with Jean Elie, Jennifer Freeman, Rhyon Nicole Brown & Robert Ri'chard & created by Trey Haley?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Throwback Holiday?

Jacqueline is living an unfulfilled life in a doomed marriage. After a chance encounter with a former classmate, she rethinks her life's choices and wishes she could go back to high school for a do-over. Like a Christmas miracle, Jac
Its release date is Saturday December 15, 2018

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Christmas, Extraterrestrial Life, Human Experimentation Fiction, Journalists & Motion Capture
Genre Comedy, Drama & Science Fiction
Director Trey Haley
Starring Jean Elie, Jennifer Freeman, Rhyon Nicole Brown & Robert Ri'chard
Place Malaysia
Location Atlanta & New York City
Written by Gabrielle Collins
Runtime 88 min

Other Comedy movies by Trey Haley