Movies like Undertaking Betty to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy & Romance movie Undertaking Betty with Alfred Molina, Brenda Blethyn, Christopher Walken & Naomi Watts & created by Nick Hurran?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Undertaking Betty?

A woman, whose husband is cheating on her, and an undertaker, who has been in love with her since their childhood, decide to fake her death so they can be together.

TAGLINE: "Sometimes finding true love can be the death of you."

Its release date is Friday October 4, 2002

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Coffin, Competition, Falling In Love, Grave Digger, Politician, Run Away & Small town
Genre Comedy & Romance
Country Germany & United Kingdom
Director Nick Hurran
Starring Alfred Molina, Brenda Blethyn, Christopher Walken & Naomi Watts
Written by Fred Ponzlov
Cinematography Kevin Rudge
Music Rupert Gregson Williams
Runtime 94 min

Other Comedy movies by Nick Hurran

Virtual Sexuality | Jul 2nd, 1999

Virtual Sexuality
5.0/10 | By Nick Hurran
United Kingdom | Comedy
No streaming sources available just yet

It’s a Boy Girl Thing | Dec 26th, 2006

It’s a Boy Girl Thing
6.3/10 | By Nick Hurran
Canada, The United States & United Kingdom | Comedy, Fantasy & Romance
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